Bilkent IR UİK Awards
X. Uluslararası İlişkiler Çalışmalar kongresinde hocamız Doç. Dr. Efe Tokdemir 2024 Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi (UİK) Teşvik Ödülü’nü aldı. Post-doc araştırmacımız Firuze Simay Sezgin Namlı ise 2024 UİK Doktora Tez Ödülü aldı.
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International Studies Association Awards Dr. Özdamar for Recent Publication
“Leaders in the Middle East and North Africa, How Ideology Shapes Foreign Policy,” a recent book coauthored by Assoc. Prof. Özgür Özdamar and Dr. Sercan Canbolat (IR’2014 MA graduate), was awarded the “Best Book in Foreign Policy Analysis” prize by the International Studies Association (ISA).
Published by Cambridge University Press, the book explores the study of leadership in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).
Dr. Özdamar received the award on April 5, 2024, at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association in San Francisco. The award celebrates the best scholarly book on foreign policy published each year. He received the award for 2023.
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Cross of Ivan Mazepa Awarded to Hakan Kırımlı
Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine, awarded Assoc. Prof. Hakan Kırımlı of the Department of International Relations, the Cross of Ivan Mazepa by presidential decree. The Cross of Ivan Mazepa is awarded to citizens of Ukraine as well as foreign citizens and stateless persons for their significant contribution to the revival of national, cultural, artistic, spiritual, architectural, military and historical heritage, as well as merits in state-building, diplomatic, humanistic, scientific, educational and charitable activities.
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Bilkent Faculty Members Receive TÜBA-GEBİP and TESEP Awards
Bilkent faculty members are among the scientists who have received this year’s Outstanding Young Scientist Awards from the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA). The Bilkent TÜBA GEBİP awardees are Asst. Prof. Seçkin Köstem (Department of International Relations), Asst. Prof. Halil İbrahim Okur (Department of Chemistry and UNAM), Assoc. Prof. Cem Tekin (Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering) and Asst. Prof. Serkan Yolcu (Faculty of Law).
Assoc. Prof. Hakan Kırımlı (International Relations) received the 2023 TÜBA-TESEP Halil İnalcık Special Award in the field of Social Sciences with his book, “Geraylar ve Osmanlılar: Kırım Hanlık Hanedanın Osmanlı Devleti’ndeki Hikayesi.”
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Bilkent Faculty Member Receive 2023 TÜBİTAK Award
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Efe Tokdemir from the Department of International Relations has recently been recognized by the Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK).
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Efe Tokdemir has received TÜBİTAK Incentive Award for 2023, for his “outstanding international studies on conflict analysis, foreign policy and public opinion in the field of international relations”.
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- 1975, Norman Stone, Wolfson Prize for History
- 1991, Norman Stone, Hungarian Vitenzi Rend
- 1993, Gülgün Tuna, Environmental Protection Medal (Turkish Ministry of the Environment)
- 2004, Pınar Bilgin, Best article published in Politics (Political Studies Association) (co-authored)
- 2008, Pınar Bilgin TÜBA – GEBİP Young Scientist Fellowship
- 2009, Pınar Bilgin, TÜBİTAK Young Scientist Incentive Prize
- 2012, Dimitri Tsarouhas, European Commission Jean Monnet Chair
- 2023, Efe Tokdemir, TÜBİTAK Incentive Award
- 2023, Seçkin Köstem, TÜBA – GEBİP Award
- 2023, Hakan Kırımlı, TÜBA – TESEP Halil İnalcık Special Award
- 2024, Hakan Kırımlı, Ukrainian Cross of Ivan Mazepa