Ali Volkan İmamoğlu
Field of Study: European Politics, Nationalism, Euroscepticism, European Identity
Title of Thesis: Revisiting the Question of EU Integration: Understanding Enlargement Towards the Western Balkans (Master’s Thesis)

Astrid Schnitzer-Skjønsberg
Field of Study: China, Diplomacy, Practice Theory, Development Cooperation
Title of Thesis: The dynamics of everyday diplomatic interactions at bilateral level

Batuhan Ay
Field of Study: International Political Economy, Political Economy of East Asia, Rising Powers, Political Economy of Money and Finance
Title of Thesis: Beyond Decoupling and Recoupling: Financial Cooperation in East Asia (Master’s Thesis)

Benan Soydaş
Field of Study: European Union Politics, Foreign Policy Analysis, European Union Foreign Policy, Environmental Politics
Title of Thesis: How influential are the interest groups during the ratification process of the Paris Agreement in the European Parliament? (Master’s Thesis)

Burak Bulut
Field of Study: International Security, Great Power Politics, Foreign Policy, Alliances
Title of Thesis: Why does balancing fail? comparing U.S. balancing strategies against the Soviet Union and China (Master’s Thesis)

Elif Merve Dumankaya
Field of Study: International Security, Terrorism, Count-terrorism, Emerging Technologies
Title of Thesis: Leadership-Oriented Approach in Counter-Terrorism: Turkey’s Counterterrorism Strategy Against the PKK Terrorist Organization Between 2015-2020 (Master’s Thesis)

Emine Tuğçe Sarı
Field of Study: East Asia, China, Gender, Popular Culture, Critical Theory
Title of Thesis: A Gramscian Analysis of Securitization Through the Antagonist Characters in Turkish TV Crime Series: İz Peşinde, Yılan Hikayesi, Arka Sokaklar, Behzat Ç., İsimsizler and Börü (Master’s Thesis)

Gizem Kaya
Field of Study: Peace & Conflict Studies, Environmental Peacebuilding, Social Movements, Latin America, Middle East, Computational Social Science and Quantitative Methods
Title of Thesis: The Role of Natural Resources in the Colombian Peace Process (Master’s Thesis)
Social Movements in Post-Conflict Societies (Dissertation)

İpek Nil ozat
Field of Study: Middle East, Central Asia, Critical Studies, Geopolitics, Security
Critical Geopolitical Analysis of the Post-Soviet Islamic Radicalism in the Fergana Valley

Mehmet Çağatay Güler
Field of Study: Russia, Eurasia, Strategic Studies, Foreign Policy
Title of Thesis: Dynamics of the Russian foreign policy between 2000-2019: Nuclear energy as a foreign policy tool in the case of Turkey (Master’s Thesis)
Glory to Motherland: Putin’s Grand Strategy (Dissertation)

Laçin Artıkoğlu
Field of Study: Foreign Policy Analysis, Turkish Foreign Policy, European Union Foreign Policy, Public Opinion
Title of Thesis: Public Opinion and Turkey’s Foreign Policy Turn in the 2010s

Melike Metintaş
Field of Study: International Political Economy, Development Finance, Foreign Financing, Rising Powers
Title of Thesis: The Mutually Transforming Effect: A Comparative Study on European and Chinese Development Finance in Central and Eastern Europe (Master’s Thesis)

orhun Bayraktar
Field of Study: Turkish Foreign Policy, Cold War History, Middle East

Sena Yenigün
Field of Study: Political Psychology, Status, Rising Powers, Diplomacy
Title of Thesis: Status-Seeking Strategies of Second-Tier States Below the Great Power Club: The Case of Canada, South Africa, and India

Yüksel Yasemin Altıntaş
Field of Study: International Security, Maritime Security, Grand Strategy
Title of Thesis: How Does the Discovery Of Hydrocarbon Resources In Maritime Boundary Delimitation Zones Affect Interstate Conflict? (Master’s Thesis)